General Information

First Name


Last Name




Work Experience

Job Title

MindFulness Coach


Anasa Club

Date Started




Hey there, I am Marina and I at my 40 I decide to move on the next most exciting chapter of my life…

I became I mindfull Coach, since mindfullness was the first skill ability I gave to my self since my 20s. My fisrt university degree is from Panteion University Greece on the field of Communications. As a Communications Expert I studied the human brain and neuroanatomy of the brain my entire life.

I worked as a journalist, at war zones mostly and at international Relations for almost 2 decades, when I decided that that circle of my life was closed and I needed to move on and offer my knowledge and my new me skills from another feild that will bring happiness and light in to my life.

Certainly the expereinces from the war zones determined who I am and made me see life through different prespectives, but also forced me to deal with my self and my daimons.

So this is me outside of the hells gates, holding buckets of water to offer you. I am ready to give my hand to anyone who needs a hand and rewire their brain and restart their life with no fear, connected to the present.

My personal aproach is based on the ancient greek philosophy and I prefer to approach any matter through a hollistic prespective, acknowledging the existence of a very close and harmonious relationship between body, mind and soul. This is the reason I keep growing my skills with new hollistic classes and seminars.

I am also, at the moment, under trainning for hypnotherapy and breathworks, completing my trainning next summer.

One of the main focuses of my new career is the holistic approach of the autoimmune diseases, since I also have one of those babies living in my body but I have managed to keep it quiet without medicine, only with the power of my mind, both conscious and subconscious, and of corse changes the quality of my nutrition and lifestyle.


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