General Information

First Name


Last Name




Work Experience

Job Title

Contracting Officer


USAF – Civilian

Date Started




I was born May 14, 1973 in Trier Germany.  I immigrated to the US as a child and obtained naturalization in the US while serving on active duty in the US Air Force.  I am a single parent with two children.  My daughter and first born is currently a teacher as part of the Alabama Public School System and my son is currently in school working on his final semesters to graduation with a major in psychology.

After honorably seperating from the military and coming back to civilian life I realize how much of our world is instant gratification and processed everything.  The food makes us sick, the pills don’t cure.  More and more people are surviving sick instead of living healed.

I want to be part of a solution.  Part of GOD’s plan in what he provided us to sustain ourselves and be able to practice and teach natural health to all who will listen and receive.

As an african american woman, I understand it is of the upmost urgency that we begin to step away from the foods and chemicals that are chronically killing us and that is why I am here.  I want to learn, find, and implement solutions particularily for my community who doesn’t get this information readily to them.   My goal is to be the example of what can be achieved with natural care.

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